Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Success

Wow. I can't believe Thanksgiving is already done with. The house is still in disarray but that will slowly get back to normal as we put away the many roasters, crock pots, extra tables, and all else that came with it. As usual, it was great to be able to spend time with just about everyone; only a few were unable to make it. In a family as big as we are, times we see almost everyone at once are especially important and can't always happen. Luckily, we do get together a few times a year which I understand can be a privilege regardless of the amount of people. Even though my moms side is smaller (much smaller), the memories are equally meaningful and it will be nice to see them over the holiday season too.

Now, I personally did not get a chance to take as many pictures as I would have wanted but the rest of the family took plenty. I was a bit preoccupied doing other things, but I did snap a pic or two of the room while getting prepped and ready the day before.

The food turned out great. I did all the turkeys; one of which we smoked. My mom had a handle on most of the appetizers and I made the vegetables as well as a pumpkin trifle. Should have gotten a picture of that, but  again I just didn't get a chance. It was well liked however, and that's what mattered.

Now its putting the Thanksgiving stuff away and getting out the decorations for the Christmas holiday. This will take a few days, but we'll get there.

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!

PS. Probably my favorite after Thanksgiving dish is hot soup with leftover turkey, vegetables, and barley. When I was a kid though, my mom used to make us cranberry turkey sandwiches while we got Christmas decorations up.Classic right?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! It takes a lot to put together a Thanksgiving for so many but its worth it. Hope yours was nice too.
